Irina Chesnokova, Emma Likhacheva & Aleksandra Morozova

In this work the attention is focused on the necessity of mitigating risks and dangers in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, which are associated with extreme climate conditions, the focal character of economic development, remoteness from major industrial centers, and low stability of ecological systems, which is susceptible even to minor climatic and anthropogenic impacts. In warming conditions, one of the main ecological risks is changing climatic conditions affecting permafrost rocks and the potential growth of negative anthropogenic loads associated with the mineral resources mining and infrastructure development. This article deals with modern conditions and potential risks, related to possible further climatic warming in the Arctic zone and economic development of new regions. The main attention is paid to changing geocryological and geomorphological conditions, which lead to the activation of exogenous processes in the continental part of the Arctic zone. Possible changes in the ecology-geomorphological situations of the Arctic zone regions were analyzed. Three groups of subjects with identical tendencies in climate changes were identified: I) regions in which less than 30% of the area was affected by dangerous processes; II) 30-50% of the area were affected by dangerous processes; III) over 50% of the area was affected by dangerous processes.

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