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21 22 27
06 07 13
Russia approves a new com-
prehensive strategic docu-
ment to guide Arctic develop-
ment through 2020.
New mapping in the Barents
Sea suggests that estimates of
undiscovered hydrocarbon re-
sources on the Norwegian con-
tinental shelf may need to be
increased by 15%.
Canada announces that Patrick Borbey, President
of the Canadian Northern Economic Develop-
ment Agency (CanNor), will serve as chair of the
Arctic Council’s Senior Arctic O!cials (SAOs) dur-
ing the upcoming Canadian chairmanship.
The Siumut party wins Greenlandic
parliamentary elections, bringing Ale-
qa Hammond to power as Greenland’s
"rst female Prime Minister.
Russia’s Ministry of Justice agrees to per-
mit RAIPON to reopen under a new set of
statutes submitted by the organization.
A motion to make all
cross-border trade in po-
lar bear parts illegal fails
at the CITES meeting in
Bangkok, Thailand.
Shell’s drilling rig Kulluk is
hoisted aboard the ship
Xiang Rui Kou and pre-
pared for its journey to
Singapore for repairs. This
follows its well-publicized
grounding on Sitkalidak
Island in Alaskan waters.
A formal administrative body for
the Northern Sea Route is created
by the Russian government, which
is responding to rapid growth in
tra!c on the Northern Sea Route.
In a massive deal, Rosneft
"nalizes its purchase of
TNK-BP. It thus becomes
the world’s largest publicly
traded oil major.
The Arctic Yearbook 2012 has its o!cial launch
event in Montréal, Canada.
Winter sea ice extent reaches its annual
maximum: 15.13 m square kilometers, or
5.84 m square miles.