Page 16 - AY2013_final_051213

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Novatek and Total announce that the
construction of the Yamal LNG plant will
be undertaken by Technip (France) and
JGC (Japan).
The Arctic Circle, a new
forum for collaboration
on Arctic issues, is an-
nounced in Washington,
DCby Icelandic president
Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson.
China and Iceland sign a free-trade agree-
ment, generating some suspicion that the
reason for it may be better access to Arctic
shipping routes for the Asian giant.
The EU General Court in Luxem-
bourg upholds a ban on com-
mercial trade in seal products
despite a Canadian challenge
to the rule.
The "ve Arctic coastal states meet in Washington to discuss the
prospect of a future Central Arctic "shery. The representatives in
attendance conclude that there is no pressing need for an ad-
ditional Regional Fisheries Management Organization, and that
a high-seas "shery is unlikely to develop in the central Arctic
Ocean in the near future.
The Barents and Norwegian
Seas play host to a joint Nor-
wegian-Russian naval exer-
cise, POMOR 2013.
The United States releases a new National Strate-
gy for the Arctic Region that prioritizes “advanc-
ing our security interests, pursuing responsible
Arctic region stewardship, and strengthening our
international cooperation.”