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The 20th anniversary of the Barents Euro-Arctic Cooperation is an
occasion for renewing the spirit of the Kirkenes Declaration, with
a focus on:
- sustainable economic development,
- joint "nancing of regional development initiatives,
- encouragement of people-to-people contacts,
- increased cooperation in education and research, and
- adaptation to the demands of a changing climate.
Aboriginal Canadian communities’ concerns
over portions of an omnibus budget bill that
could negatively impact First Nations lead to
nationwide protests. Today is also the peak of
the “Idle No More” debate which simmered on
Twitter throughout December.
Di!culties in securing "nancing cause Ba!n-
land Iron Mines Corp. to announce changes
to its plans for the Mary River iron project. A
more conservative timeline is now the plan.
Greenpeace Canada obtains and publicizes a
draft version of the oil spill preparedness and re-
sponse agreement up for discussion among the
governments of the eight Arctic states. A repre-
sentative of the environmental organization calls
the agreement “e#ectively useless”.
Olivier de Schutter, the
UN’s Special Rapporteur
on the Right to Food, ex-
presses serious concern
about the “deep and se-
vere food insecurity” in
many Canadian Inuit and
aboriginal communities.
Environment Ministers from the Arctic 8 meet in Sweden to discuss ways to:
- attack climate change and ocean acidi"cation,
- reduce short-lived climate pollutants,
- prevent contamination in the Arctic,
- sustain biodiversity and ecosystem services, and
- implement ecosystem-based management strategies, well as support general cooperation to protect the Arctic environment.
ExxonMobil and Rosneft
sign a packet of agree-
ments opening the door
to future collaborations in
the Russian and American