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Arctic Yearbook 2013
states (Mitra 2012). ―India has already been working closely with the Arctic Council members,‖
Navtej Sarna, additional secretary with the Ministry of External Affairs, stated in May 2013. ―We will
be putting a lot of stress on our scientific work in the region. We have been asked to send more
people to the Arctic, and we plan to do so.‖ He also notes that India plans to ―fruitfully engage with
the indigenous people of the region and work with them on environmental issues‖ (quoted in
Taneja, 20 May 2013). Whether Indian scholars and pundits will embrace this position as moderate
and prudent, or dismiss it as evidence of the Arctic regime ―co-opting the post-colonial critics‖
(Dodds, 2006: 65; Chaturvedi, 2011a: 53), remains to be seen. As it becomes increasingly engaged,
the Indian government‘s challenge in charting an Arctic course will lie in navigating the traditional
waters of idealism and pragmatism, with due consideration for how circumpolar dynamics affect the
Arctic region – and the entire world.
Alexeeva, Olga & F. Lasserre. (2012). ―China and the Arctic.‖ In L. Heininen. (Ed.).
2012 Arctic
. Northern Research Forum and the University of the Arctic Thematic Network (TN) on
Geopolitics and Security. Available from
Axworthy, T. A. & S. French. (2010). ―A Proposal for an Arctic Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone.‖
Presentation to the Interaction Council Expert Meeting on ―Achieving a World Free of Nuclear
Weapons,‖ 15-16 April 2010. Hiroshima, Japan.
Baslar, K. (1997).
The Concept of the Common Heritage of Mankind in International Law
. Dordrecht:
Martinus Nijhoff.
Beck, P. J. (10 November 1983) ―India in Antarctica: Science – and politics – on ice.‖
Borgerson, S. (2008). ―Arctic Meltdown: The Economic and Security Implications of Global
Foreign Affairs
. Retrieved from
Borgerson, S. (25 March 2009). ―The Great Game Moves North.‖
Foreign Affairs
. Retrieved from
Brady, A-M. (24 August 2011). ―The Emerging Economies of Asia and Antarctica: Challenges and
Opportunities.‖ In J. Jabour, M. Haward & A.J. Press. (Eds).
Australia‘s Antarctica: Proceedings of a
Symposium to mark 75 years of the Australian Antarctic Territory
. (pp. 103-113). Hobart: Institute for
Marine & Antarctic Studies Occasional Paper #2.
Brigham, L. (2010). ―Think Again: The Arctic.‖
Foreign Policy
. Retrieved from