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Arctic Yearbook 2013
The impacts on local communities and biodiversity, and the challenges the North faces with respect
to transportation, adaptation to climate change and civil security require that northern development
be carried out in accordance with environmental best practices and in partnership with Aboriginal
nations, northern communities, businesses, scientific experts and decision makers. It is with this in
mind that the government specifically set up the
Secrétariat au développement nordique
(SDN; Northern
Development Secretariat), whose mandate is to coordinate government actions with respect to the
economic and social development of the North. SDN is also tasked with developing a responsible
northern development policy based on innovative ideas that will maximize benefits for local
communities as well as all Quebecers - hence the interest in sharing expertise with other Arctic
Support for Local Communities
Inuit communities will be the first to be impacted and affected by climate change. For example,
changes in the distribution of certain animal species caused by modifications to terrestrial and
aquatic ecosystems could result in major changes to hunting and fishing activities, which are a
powerful force for social and cultural cohesion and ensure food security for many families in
Nunavik. Given that their way of life is closely linked to the environment, the direct and indirect
effects of climate change will have an impact on the health and security as well as on the economies
and traditional activities of these communities.
The Québec government established channels of communication and consultation with northern
communities years ago. Signed in 1975, the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement (JBNQA)
has contributed greatly to the political and administrative autonomy of First Nations and Inuit by
delegating certain responsibilities, including education and health, and giving them exclusive rights to
hunt and fish on a large portion of the area. Under this agreement, it took action in Nunavik to
ensure proper housing for local inhabitants. The already considerable challenges in this area will only
increase with climate change. Investments in social housing and support for home ownership in
Nunavik are among the solutions that have been put forward.
In light of the many difficulties facing the people of northern Québec, the Government of Québec
also laid the groundwork for a new relationship with the Inuit in 2002 through the Partnership
Agreement on Economic and Community Development in Nunavik, or Sanarrutik (meaning
―development tool‖ in Inuktitut). This was followed in 2004 by the Sivunirmut Agreement (meaning
―toward the future‖ in Inuktitut) to consolidate the relationship and seal a commitment to more
adequate funding. These two agreements marked the start of a new era of partnership focused on
creating wealth in Nunavik through a sustainable approach in harmony with Inuit culture.
A Government That Listens
Under the 2013–2020 Government Strategy for Climate Change Adaptation, the Government of
Québec has put forth a number of measures for northern Québec. These include support for
Aboriginal communities in adapting to climate change, an analysis of the risks and impacts of
climate change for the mining industry, the strengthening of Nunavik‘s infrastructure management
and maintenance practices, and the integration of new infrastructure design criteria, especially for