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The North & the Arctic:
Québec‟s Interests & Actions
Government of Québec
Anticipated changes in the Arctic environment due to climate change and global warming will affect
all circumpolar regions. The impact of these changes, which could directly or indirectly affect the
equilibrium of the entire planet, raise issues that are at the center of a global debate requiring the
collaboration and cooperation of all actors, including subnational states. Québec, which partly lies in
the Arctic and is very active on the international scene, wants to be part of this discussion. As such,
it seeks to participate in international Arctic forums and strengthen its relations with other federated
states and circumpolar regions that share Arctic challenges in its particular areas of jurisdiction.
These are related to sustainable northern development, environmental protection and the
development of northern communities.
Northern Québec and Its Development
Northern Québec is a vast region that encompasses part of the Arctic called Nunavik (meaning
―place to live‖ in Inuktitut). Nunavik extends over 500 000 sq. km between the 55
and 62
parallels. Although it makes up approximately 30% of Québec‘s land area, it only has about 12,000
inhabitants, 90% of whom are Inuit living in the 14 villages scattered along its coast. Nunavik is rich
in mineral resources, including nickel, iron, rare earths, gold and diamonds. The region also has
strong hydroelectric potential. Given the numerous national parks and protected areas in Northern
Québec, the government would like to develop this territory responsibly in order to maximize the
benefits for local communities and for Quebecers as a whole.