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Arctic Yearbook 2013
At the same time, the rivalry brings into question the ability of Russia to effectively implement its
energy policy and its goals of expanding exports to Asian markets. In reference to the offshore
development, the main concerns are about the time-period for the start of the economic activity on
the shelf and with its LNG production, and its existing risks and high costs. The uncertainties
around LNG export liberalization and the tough stance taken by Gazprom to preserve its export
monopoly also bring into question the possibility of the Yamal LNG project coming into realization
by 2017. In addition, there are doubts concerning the feasibility of Gazprom‘s Vladivostok LNG
project and Rosneft‘s Sakhalin LNG project due to high costs and the existing uncertainty with the
gas export markets.
The question also exists concerning the impact of cooperation with foreign companies on the future
development of the Russian energy sector and on the ability of the state-controlled companies to
independently carry out economic activities on the shelf in the future. For now, it seems that the
companies are trying to stake offshore sites in the Arctic, considering offshore extraction from a
long term perspective.
Summing up, the uncertainties described above towards internal energy policy development and
competition for resources and political sphere of influence inside Russia could lead to a situation
where the country will weaken and possibly will lose its position as a main energy exporter to the
European and prospective Asian markets. The critical challenge for Russia lies not in growing
competition from other energy export countries; rather it is the inability of the state to effectively
tackle the current problem of gradual depletion of its West Siberian fields. Thus, the state is facing a
critical necessity in clearly defining its energy strategy and undertaking bold steps to introduce
changes into the current state of affairs in the Russian energy sector.
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The Constitution 1993
(Const.) art. 72. Russian Federation. Available from