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Arctic Yearbook 2013
Natural News, State Discourses & The Canadian Arctic
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Coulston, P. (1999, 25 July). Nature's mighty hand: We camp at the base of Mount Herodier,
exhausted from hauling our gear across the uneven ice. I think about travelers who have died
here, and know we are at the mercy of the land.
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Depledge, D. (2013). Assembling a (British) Arctic.
The Polar Journal
. 3(1): 163-177. DOI:
Dittmer, J. et al., (2011). Have you heard the one about the disappearing ice? Recasting Arctic
Political Geography.
30: 202-214.
Dodds, K. (2002).
Pink Ice: Britain and the South Atlantic Empire.
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Dodds, K. (2010). Flag planting and finger pointing: The Law of the Sea, the Arctic and the political
geographies of the outer continental shelf.
Political Geography
. 29(2): 63–73
Exner-Pirot, H. (2013). What is the Arctic a case of? The Arctic as a regional environmental security
complex and the implications for policy.
The Polar Journal
, 3(1): 120-35.
Farish, M. (2010).
The Contours of America‘s Cold War
. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Fabbi, N. (2012). Inuit Political Engagement in the Arctic. In L. Heininen. (Ed.).
Arctic Yearbook
2012 (pp. 160-176). Akureyri, Iceland: Northern Research Forum.
Flanagan, T. (2013, 21 August). Arctic symbolism, Harper stagecraft.
The Globe and Mail
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French, C. (1979, 2 April). New look at Arctic defenses poses the question of just how safe Canada's
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The Globe and Mail
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French, C. 1979 (20 September). SHIPPING Canmar icebreaker is out to set a record in Arctic.
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Grace, S. (2001).
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Grant, S. (2010).
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