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Arctic Yearbook 2013
security and environmental protection. Given the fact that so few Canadians, North Americans or
others have visited, or even studied the North, these current ‗naturalized‘ popular geopolitical
strategies cannot be challenged by experiential knowledge, and have instead become entrenched
within an everyday reading of Canada as ‗northern‘ and resource-dependent.
Suzuki was to observe that the Arctic fit into a broader picture: As David Suzuki, already a
popular scientist and activist, noted in 1989‖ a powerful grassroots movement is sweeping
the land. Ordinary citizens are forming groups to fight pollution, save wilderness, reduce
garbage. Even in the traditionally pro-development province of Alberta, citizens are
vociferously objecting to proposed new pulp mills in the north. There is a growing sense of
public frustration that none of the three major parties has presented a credible
environmental program‖ (Suzuki, 1989).
Atami, Pita. (2012). Ne perdons pas le nord: The North Matters: Visions of governance for
Nunavik Enhancing Relationships with Aboriginal peoples.
Forum Plan Nord
. (May 2-3,
Québec City). Retreived from,
Axworthy, T. S. (2013, March). Changing the Arctic Paradigm from Cold War to Cooperation: How
Canada‘s Indigenous Leaders Shaped the Arctic Council.
The Gordon Foundation
. Available
Balzacq, T. (2011).
Securitization Theory: How Security Problems Emerge and Dissolve
. London and New
York: Routledge
Barthos, G. (1996, 20 January). Canada to steer new body on protecting the Arctic: [Final Edition].
Toronto Star
. A.1.
Berland, J. (2009).
North of Empire: Essays on the Cultural Technologies of Space
. Duke University Press.
Berthiaume, Lee. (2012). ―Armed Arctic vessels face delay in latest procurement setback: $3.1-billion
project is now expected to cost $40 million more than anticipated.‖ Nunatsiaq News,
NEWS: Around the Arctic May 08, 2012
Bone, R. 2009.
The Canadian North: Issues and Challenges
. Toronto: Oxford University Press.
Borgerson, S.G. (2008, March/April). Arctic Meltdown: The Economic and Security Implications of
Global Warming.
Foreign Affairs
: 63-77.