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Arctic Yearbook 2013
Communicating Climate Change
showed at the Museum of the American Indian in New York City, Mauro attended in person
and Kunuk via webcam to discuss IKCC following the screening. The film is available on for public viewing.
For further details see: Waltz, E. (2010). ―Science & politics: Speaking out about science‖.
. 467: 768-770: Dissemination and end use of scientific research is often, if not most
likely, implemented at the discretion of government; Revkin, A.C. (2007). ―Climate change as
news: Challenges in communicating environmental science in climate change‖. In DiMento,
J.F.C. (Ed.).
What It Means for Us, Our Children, and Our Grandchildren.
Cambridge, MA: MIT
Press: 139-159.; Moser, S. (2010, January/February). ―Communicating climate change:
history, challenges, process and future directions‖
Retrieved May 26, 2013 from
; Greenwood, C. (2013, February). Muzzling
Civil Servants: A Threat to Democracy?
Environmental Law Clinic, University of Victoria
Retrieved September 29, 2013 from,
, by the Environmental Law
Clinic at the University of Victoria underscores the point. At the International Polar Year
2012 conference in Montreal scientists from Environment Canada were restricted from
speaking to reporters. An accompanying letter addressed to Suzanne Legault, Information
Commissioner of Canada states that the report shows that communication between media
and federal scientists is particularly curtailed ―when the scientists‘ research or point of view
runs counter to current Government policies on matters such as environmental protection,
oil sands development, and climate change.‖
Axworthy, T. (2013, January 10). Op-Ed: Russia turns back the clock.
Embassy Magazine
Retrieved from,
Bielawski, E. (1992). Inuit Indigenous knowledge and science in the Arctic.
Northern Perspectives
. 20: 5-8.
Benkler, Y. (2006).
The wealth of nations: How social production transforms markets and freedom
New Haven and London: Yale University Press.
Beaufort Sea Partnership
. Traditional and local knowledge working group.
Retrieved May 25, 2013 from,
Bonesteel, S. (2006, June). Canada's relationship with Inuit: A history of policy and program
Development in Historical development of Inuit political organizations: Historical
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
. Canada. Retrieved from,
CBC, Prince Edward Island
. (2012, November 19). Climate change Atlantic - Ian Mauro.
Retrieved from,