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Arctic Yearbook 2013
India‘s Arctic Engagement
(Mumbai). Retrieved from
Roy, S. (3 April 2013). ―It‘s India vs China for ‗observer status‘ at Arctic Council.‖
The Indian Express
Sakhuja, V. (30 March 2010). ―The Arctic Council: Is There a Case for India.‖ (Policy Brief). New
Delhi: Indian Council of World Affairs.
Sakhuja, V. (9 April 2010). ―China: Breaking into the Arctic Ice.‖ (Issue Brief). New Delhi: Indian
Council of World Affairs.
Sakhuja, V. (2 July 2010). ―Arctic Council Must Warm Up to Non-Arctic States.‖ (View Point). New
Delhi: Indian Council of World Affairs.
Sakhuja, V. (29 July 2010). ―Northern Sea Route and Russia‘s Resource Exploitation Strategy.‖ (Issue
Brief). New Delhi: Indian Council of World Affairs.
Sakhuja, V. (16 August 2010). ―Research vessels sail for Arctic.‖ (View Point). New Delhi: Indian
Council of World Affairs.
Sakhuja, V. (19 August 2010). ―China and India Compete for Energy in the Arctic.‖ (View Point).
New Delhi: Indian Council of World Affairs.
Sakhuja, V. (September 2011). ―China‘s Arctic Calculus and Iceland.‖ (SSPC Issue Brief). New Delhi:
Society for the Study of Peace and Conflict.
Sakhuja, V. (April-June 2012). ―Asia Looks North - Towards the Arctic.‖
Indian Foreign Affairs Journal
7(1): 6-13.
Sakhuja, V. (October 2012). ―Arctic Council and Asian Initiatives.‖ (SSPC Issue Brief). New Delhi:
Society for the Study of Peace and Conflict.
Sakhuja, V. (15 October 2012). ―Indian Navy: Developing ‗Arctic Sea Legs.‖ (Opinion/Analysis).
New Delhi: Society for the Study of Peace and Conflict.
Sakhuja, V. (31 January 2013). ―India and the Melting Arctic.‖ New Delhi: Institute of Peace and
Conflict Studies.
Sakhuja, V. (29 April 2013). ―Arctic Circle: Challenging Exclusivity.‖ New Delhi: Institute of Peace
and Conflict Studies. Retrieved from
Sakhuja, V. (18 May 2013). ―India and China in the Arctic: Breaching the Monopoly.‖ New Delhi:
Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies. Retrieved from
Saran, S. (1 February 2012). ―India‘s stake in Arctic cold war.‖
The Hindu
. Retrieved from
Saran, S. (12 June 2011). ―Shyam Saran: Why the Arctic Ocean is important to India.‖
. Retrieved from