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Arctic Yearbook 2013
Calotte Academy 2013
locals are living and experiencing the changes and impacts brought on by a wide range of planned
resource development (i.e. new windmill projects in northern Sweden or increasing mining activities
in northern Finland and northern Québec).
Arctic Dialogue: Method & Conclusion
As a whole, the presentations given during the
sessions organized in 4 cities in 3 different
countries (Finland, Norway and Sweden)
highlighted the need for continued dialogue
between different actors and stakeholders, different
disciplines and different viewpoints in addressing
the existing and future issues and concerns brought
up by natural resources, extractive industries and
economic developments across the changing
landscapes of the North Calotte and the
circumpolar north. Sharing knowledge at multiple
levels and across borders can certainly have
positive impacts on policy making locally and
regionally. The Calotte Academy‘s philosophy is to
foster cross-border/international discussions and
produce the most suitable environments between
different stakeholders to produce ideas by
increased dialogue. This goal was attained once
again in 2013.
Next year‘s Calotte Academy will take place in early June 2014 as a travelling symposium in Finland,
Sweden and Russia with a focus on ―Arctic Sovereing
: Actors, Scales & Concerns‖ (tentative
title). The call for papers for CA14 will soon be online on the Arctic Yearbook website.
More information on the Calotte Academy and the Final Report of the CA13 including abstracts of
all presentations and summaries of all sessions, are available at the Northern Research Forum
. The CA is an open workshop for participants coming from around the world,
having different academic or non-academic backgrounds, wishing to contribute to the ongoing
process of Arctic dialogue.
For example, the BarentsObserver had reported that ―It has been the warmest May on
record in the Barents Region with a peak of 29 degrees Celsius in Kirkenes a few days before
the Prime Ministers arrives to mark the 20th anniversary of the Barents Cooperation.‖ See
Thomas Nilsen. (2013, 31 May). ―A very warm welcome to Barents Summit.‖
. Retrieved 9.10.13 from
Workshop: Calotte Academy 2013 at the University of
Tromsø, Norway (photo credit: Joël Plouffe)