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Hanna Lempinen is a Researcher at the Arctic Centre and PhD Candidate at the University of Lapland,
Finland & Joël Plouffe is a PhD Candidate at the National School of Public Administration in Montréal,
Québec, Canada.
Briefing Note
Calotte Academy 2013
Natural Resources & Energy Security in the Arctic:
Geopolitics and Dialogue
In, Across
North Calotte
Hanna Lempinen & Joël Plouffe
Calotte Academy
(CA), an annual international roaming symposium traveling across borders
and communities of the North Calotte (Euro-Arctic/Russia), was organized this year for the twenty-
first time, as part of the Northern Research Forum‘s (NRF) main academic activity. The CA aims to
foster dialogue among members of the research community, PhD and graduate students and other
northern experts as well as local stakeholders. By bringing together researchers from different
backgrounds and countries, as well as regional actors, policymakers and representatives, the
Academy aims to initiate, produce and disseminate ideas, debates and outcomes into local and
regional planning and policy-making on issues in relation to the North(s).
This year‘s CA took place in mid-May (16-23) with a thematic focus on Resource Geopolitics –
Energy Security. The Academy, with participants from the North Calotte as well as from elsewhere
in Europe, Russia and Canada, consisted of altogether 12 sessions/workshops held in Rovaniemi
and Inari (Finland); in Tromsø (Norway); and in Abisko and Kiruna (Sweden).