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Arctic Yearbook 2013
The West Nordic Council and Its Arctic Engagement
This possibility has been discussed within the West Nordic Council and during the council‘s
annual general meeting in Gjógv, Faroe Islands, 3.–7. September 2012, some of Greenland‘s
representatives declared interest in making Greenland a member of the Hoyvik Agreement
(Althingi, 2013a). And the parliament of Greenland is currently an observer of the Hoyvik
Agreement‘s parliamentary committee (Althingi, 2013b).
There have also been some interesting debates recently in Iceland on private investment
opportunities in Greenland (see VIB, 2013).
―Relations between Iceland and Greenland have intensified in recent years through more
frequent political consultation and increased trade. Air services between the countries have
grown, contracting businesses from Iceland are working in Greenland and cooperation on
health care issues has been successful.‖ (Althingi, 2011: 8).
All these developments strengthen the possibility of Greenland to join the Hoyvik
Agreement, as Gunvør Balle, a representative in the Faroe Islands delegation and former
general consulate of Faroe Islands in Iceland, pointed out during the West Nordic Council‘s
annual general meeting. Claiming that it is important to open consulates in other West
Nordic Countries at the same time, or before, Greenland becomes part of the Hoyvik
Agreement (Althingi, 2013a). Previously, the Faroe Islands and Iceland both have consulates
in each other‘s capitals.
The Nordic Council of Ministers and West Nordic Council convey their meeting time and
Per Augustsson (2011) offers an interesting take on a common Nordic Arctic strategy in his
Towards a common strategy for the Arctic: The Nordic countries can lead the way
Not including coastal Northern Norway as a West Nordic partner.
That was in the foreground of the 2013 theme conference.