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Arctic Yearbook 2013
to cooperate on common problems and to conduct positive and constructive cooperation regarding
West Nordic, or North Atlantic, issues with the Nordic Council as well as other organisations
(West Nordic Council, n.d.).
The cooperation has strong roots given that the three countries are geographical neighbours and
share many historical and cultural bonds, as well as basic natural and economic conditions; in terms
of (often harsh) living conditions in small and isolated communities, highly dependent on adaptation
to their natural surroundings and especially the use of maritime resources (see Althing, 2011; ibid,
2013a; Thór, Thorleifsen, Mortensen, & Marquardt, 2012; West Nordic Council, n.d.).
Figure 1 The three countries that make up the West Nordic Council
Adapted (05.5.13) from,
The West Nordic Council
In the year 1997 a new charter was agreed upon by the three respective West Nordic national
parliaments and the council‘s name was changed from the West Nordic Parliamentarian Council of
Cooperation to the West Nordic Council. Subsequently, the council undertook some changes by
introducing new working rules and strengthening its goals (Althingi, 2013b). Broadening its focus
from cultural/social purposes (Bailes and Heininen, 2012: 73), to include amongst other issues
increased political and economic cooperation (West Nordic Council, n.d.). The West Nordic Council
meets twice every year, once for an annual general meeting, which constitutes as the council's
supreme authority, and once for a theme conference. Its work is then realised through
recommendations approved at the annual general meeting, which are then presented to the member
countries parliaments and executed by the appropriate minister (West Nordic Council, n.d.a). In
recent years the West Nordic Council has given recommendations on various issues, including