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Heather Exner-Pirot & Joël Plouffe are the Managing Editors of the Arctic Yearbook.
A Proliferation of Forums:
A Second Wave of Organizational Development in the
Heather Exner-Pirot & Joël Plouffe
Circumpolar relations have been nothing if not trendy in recent years. First came the domino
sequence of Arctic strategies from each of the Arctic states between 2008-2011. This was succeeded
by a rash of Arctic Ambassadorial appointments, with Japan‘s appointment of Masuo Nishibayashi
in March, 2013, making eleven (click
for Arctic Yearbook 2012‘s list of Arctic/Non-Arctic
ambassadors). But the most recent inclination has been to establish pan-Arctic forums, focusing on
the ‗future of the Arctic‘, and open to a global audience of self-appointed Arctic stakeholders.
The most high profile launch of this new breed of circumpolar organization is the
Arctic Circle
Icelandic President Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson‘s vision of an open, global platform by which to
address the region‘s most pressing issues. Uniting a motley crew of oil and shipping executives,
climate advocates, Asian scientists and a European monarch – Prince Albert II of Monaco – the
Arctic Circle
is a response to the perceived parochialism of the Arctic Council and an attempt to
create a space for a diverse range of interested voices (see Klaus Dodds‘ commentary in this
Then there are the burgeoning Arctic economic conferences, including the
World Arctic Forum
(Canada); the
Arctic Energy Summit
(Iceland); the
Arctic Imperative
(United States); the
Arctic Summit
Arctic Exchange
(Sweden); the
Arctic Business Forum
(Finland); the
Arctic Policy and
Economic Forum
(Denmark); the
Arctic – Territory of Dialogue
(Russian Federation), and last but not
least, the Arctic Council‘s own, as yet unlaunched,
Circumpolar Business Forum,
under the auspices of