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Arctic Yearbook 2013
Sweden as Council chair 2011-13 made important strides in linking the commercial world to the
Council. Since much Arctic change is driven by globalization and development of Arctic natural
resources, it makes sense to bring the business community into the Council‘s work on such topics as
shipping, oil and gas guidelines, sustainable development, and environmental protection. Again in
Kiruna, the Arctic Ministers agreed to establish a task force whose mission is to facilitate the
creation of a circumpolar business forum. Canada can help shape this forum so that it focuses on
Arctic sustainable development and the promotion of long-term, sustainable Arctic communities, an
objective it would appear at heart of the Canadian Chairmanship.
In assuming the Arctic Council Chair this spring, Canada faces a set of challenges and opportunities
in moving the Arctic state agenda forward. Critical to Canada‘s success will be better communication
to the world. All of the issues will require Canada‘s proactive action and strong consensus building
among the Arctic states.