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Arctic Yearbook 2013
Heininen, Exner-Pirot & Plouffe
Heininen, Lassi and Chris Southcott (Eds.). (2010).
Globalization and the Circumpolar North
. Anchorage:
University of Alaska Press.
Heininen, Lassi (2010). Post-Cold War Arctic Geopolitics: Where are the Peoples and the
Environment? In M. Bravo and N. Triscott (Eds.).
Arctic Geopolitics and Autonomy
(pp. 89-
103). Arctic Perspective Cahier No. 2
Heininen, Lassi (forthcoming). Northern Geopolitics: Actors, Interests and Processes in the
Circumpolar Arctic. In R.C. Powell & Klaus Dodds (Eds).
Polar Geopolitics: Knowledges,
Resources and Legal Regimes.
Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, UK & Northampton, Massaschusetts.
Kacowicz, Arie (1998). Regionalization, Globalization, and Nationalism: Convergent, Divergent, or
Overlapping? Kellogg Institute Working Paper #262. Retrieved September 18, 2013 from
Kiruna Declaration (2013). Arctic Council Secretariat: Kiruna Declaration. Kiruna, Sweden, 15 May
Østreng, W. (2008). Extended Security and Climate Change in the Regional and Global
Context: A Historical Account. In G.R. Thorsteinsdottir & E.E. Oddsdottir. (Eds).
Politics of
the Eurasian Arctic. National Interests and International Challenges
(pp. 16-30).
Akureyri: Northern Research Forum & Ocean Future.
Palosaari, T. (2012). The Amazing Race. On Resources, Conflict, and Cooperation in the
Arctic. In
Nordia Geographical Publications Yearbook 2011. Theme issue on ‗Sustainable Development
in the Arctic though peace and stability
(pp. 13-30). Oulu: Geographical Society of Northern
Wallerstein, I. (1987, October 22). Development: Lodestar or Illusion?
A Talk at Distinguished
Speaker Series
. Center for Advanced Study of International Development, Michigan State
University, pp. 7–8.