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Arctic Yearbook 2013
Siamese-type ―partnership‖, at least when it comes to the exploitation of natural resources. SOEs in
the Arctic, I have argued, are the most perfect illustration of this evolution. In other words, and on
the basis of the above epistemological considerations, neither nation-states nor TNCs (something
nobody ever even claimed) will slow down Arctic resource exploitation. Unfortunately, science (and
technology) and indigenous peoples will not be acting towards that end either. The jury is still out as
to what extent this conclusion can be generalized beyond the Arctic.
For a definition of the Arctic region, see: Hayes, 2003.
For the case of Russia see Safonov, 2009.
See: Special issue of
, 2012.
Anderson, A. (2009).
After the Ice. Life, death and politics in the Arctic
. London: Random House.
Bernhagen, P. (2007).
The Political Power of Business. Structure and information in public policymaking
London: Routledge.
Black, E. (2006).
Internal Combustion. How corporations and governments addicted the world to oil and derailed
the alternatives
. New York: St. Martin‘s Press.
Bravo, M.T. & S. Sörlin. (Eds.) (2002).
Narrative the Arctic: A Cultural History of Nordic Scientific
. Canton, Mass.: History of Science Publications.
Bruno, K. & J. Karliner (2002). The corporate takeover of sustainable development.
CA: Food First Books.
Byers, M. (2009).
Who Owns the Arctic? Understanding sovereignty disputes in the North
. London: Doulas &
Carey, M. (2007). The history of ice: how glaciers became an endangered species,
. 12(3): 497-527.
Chandler, A. & B. Mazlish (2005).
Leviathans. Multinational corporations and the new global history
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Chang, H.-J. (2003).
Globalization, Economic Development and the Role of the State
. London: Zed Books.
Conkling, P., Alley, R., Broecker, W. and G. Denton (2011).
The Fate of Greenland: Lessons from Abrupt
Climate Change
. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
Deffreyes, K. (2008).
Hubbert‘s Peak. The impending world oil shortage
. Princeton: Princeton University