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Arctic Yearbook 2013
Strengthening the Capacity of the Arctic Council
busca de la Unidad, eficiacia y coherencia. In J.M. Sobrino Heredia. (Ed).) Innovación y
conocimiento. IV Jornadas Iberoamericanas de Estudios Internacionales. (pp. 481-490).
Sánchez Ramos, B. (2004): La Unión Europea y las Relaciones Diplomáticas, edit. Tirant lo
Blanch, Valencia. EDITED BOOK? Please see:
Selheim, N. (2012). The Establishment of the Permanent Arctic Council Secretariat: challenges
and opportunities. In T.S. Axworthy, T. Koivurova & W. Hasanat.
The Arctic Council: Its Place
in the Future of Arctic Governance
, 60-82. Toronto: Munk-Gordon Arctic Security Program.
Smith, K.E. (2013). The European Union and the Politics of legitimization at the United Nations.
European Foreign Affairs Review
. 18(1): 63-80.
Young, O. R. (2009). Whither the Arctic? Conflict or cooperation in the circumpolar north.
. 45(232): 73-82.
Young, O.R. (2011). If an Arctic Ocean Treaty is not the solution, what is the alternative?
47(243): 327-334.
Young, O.R. (2009). The Arctic in Play: Governance in time of rapid change.
The International
Journal of Marine and Coastal law
. 24(2): 423-442.