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Arctic Yearbook 2013
Sánchez Ramos
Organizations such as United Nations' the WHO or the OIT.
For example, the European has observer status in some organs of United Nations like the
General Assembly but not in the Council of Security. See, Sánchez Ramos, B (2004): La
Unión Europea y las Relaciones Diplomáticas, edit. Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia; Smith,
K.E (2013): ―The European Union and the Politics of legitimization at the United
Nations‖, European Foreign Affairs Review 18, nº 1.
We believe that it is relevant that Ottawa Declarations designates the possible observers
because other Forum and International Organizations don‘t specify them.
AC Rules of Procedure, art. 37 (Iqaluit: 1998).
AC Rules of Procedure, arts. 37 and 38 (Iqaluit: 1998).
Graczyk and Koivurova (2013) pointed out that ―Arctic states‘ reluctance to engage with
external entities stems from a preoccupation with their own interests, as well as added
anxiety surrounding the notion that powerful, global players could be able to jeopardise
the current consensus on governance principles established by the Ilulissat Declaration
(…) Moreover, these concerns are supported by PPs who are anxious because of
Outsiders‘ lack of understanding regarding their culture and traditions, as shown, for
instance, by the EU‘s ban on seal products‖, 5.
―(…) solve the observer question while maintaining the key role of the Arctic States and
Permanent Participants‖. SAO Report to Ministers, Nuuk, 2011: 3.
In this sense, Graczyk and Koivurova (2013) pointed out that ―this can be perceived as a
response to the joint statement made by state observers, delivered during the November
2008 SAO meeting in Kautokeino, Norway, which articulated how observers wished to
contribute not only on matters of science but also with regard to decision making‖, 8.
By contrast, the AC did not consider the application of Greenpeace.
Joint Statement by EU High Representative Catherine Ashton and EU Commissioner
Maria Damanaki regarding AC decision on EU`s observer status, Brussels, 15 May 2013.
A 255/13.
―In the even that a Ministerial SAO meeting is held without the attendance of all eight
Arctic States, consistent with Rule 3 (six of the Arctic States shall constitute a quorum for
purposes of holding a Ministerial or Senior Arctic Official meeting) decisions may be
taken by a consensus of all Arctic States present, subject to confirmation in writing by the
absent Arctic States within 45 days after receiving notice of the decision. Decisions of
working groups, task forces or other subsidiary bodies may be adopted by consensus of
all Arctic States present, subject to any objection in writing by an absent Arctic State with
30 days after receiving a report containing the decision‖. So, Permanent Participants and
Observes do not participate in this process. See AC Rules of Procedure (Kiruna, 2013).