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Arctic Yearbook 2013
between Stockholm and the leadership of the Saami community have been strained over
unresolved land claims and land use policies. A good insight into the nature of the
interaction is provided by Udtja Lasse in his book
Bury My Heart at Udtjajaure
Rethinking the Top of the World
opinion survey revealed that most Swedes had only a
limited understanding of current Arctic issues and that some 72% of those who were
sampled had never heard of the Arctic Council.
Sweden‘s Strategy of the Arctic Region
(2011). Lassi Heininen provides an excellent overview
of the document in his
Sweden‘s Strategy for the Arctic Region: Priorities and Objectives
noting its just-in-time origins, but also suggesting that it is ―straightforward and clear on
its priorities.‖
See Oran Young‘s discussion of Sweden‘s and other the Nordics‘ contributions to
international environmental protection and the establishment of the AEPS in his
Regimes: Arctic Accords and International Governance
Sweden‘s Chairmanship Programme for the Arctic Council 2011-2013.
The Stockholm
International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) took an interest in the Swedish
Chairmanship and sponsored several meetings reviewing its progress. Summaries of the
April 2011 (The New Arctic: Building Cooperation in the Face of Emerging Challenges)
and November 2012 (The Arctic Council in Transition: Nordic to North American
Leadership) are particularly useful in getting a sense of Swedish goals and objectives.
Gustaf Lind, Sweden‘s Arctic Ambassador and Chair of the SAOs during the Swedish
Chairmanship helped to organize and direct Sweden‘s earlier Presidency of the European
Union. He has suggested that this earlier experience assisted him in undertaking his
responsibilities within the Arctic Council.
Please refer to the discussion of the Swedish concept of
offered by Åke Daun in
Swedish Mentality
(1995) or by Christina Johansson Robinowitz and Lisa Werner Carr
in their
Modern Day Vikings
See the discussion of small state behavior within the international community provided
in Christine Ingebritsen‘s edited volume
Small States in International Relations
Piotr Graczyk provides a very good discussion of the whole observer debate in his
Arctic Council Inclusive of Non-Arctic Perspectives: Seeking a New Balance
Background material and documents on both of these meetings can be found at the
Arctic Council website. Although not formally part of the Council‘s specific
undertakings, the gathering of the Ministers of the Environment was deemed by many as
an important effort in circumpolar cooperation. A useful summary of the discussions of
the Environment Ministers can be found in
Arctic Change - Global Effects
produced by the
Swedish Ministry of the Environment.
The texts for both of these agreements can be found at the Arctic Council website.