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Arctic Yearbook 2013
The Arctic Ocean Review
common and unified positions to ensure a joint approach to the IMO and other international or
regional negotiations. The establishment of a coordinated Arctic Voice will allow for management
on an ecosystem level, which is the best tool for ensuring sustainable management of marine
resources in the Arctic by promoting at the global level through different regulatory bodies the
principles of ecosystem based management (Arctic Council EBM Report, 2013). There are many
complications and political challenges to the provision of leadership by the Arctic Council to
support advances in global-level negotiations, especially with regards to a mandatory Polar Code
embedded in the Law of the Sea Convention, but the Arctic Council must equip itself with venues
that provide opportunities to explore common ground and enact a coherent and strengthened
Arctic-wide diplomacy, an Arctic Voice.
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Ecosystem-Based Management in the Arctic
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Arctic Council. (2013, May).
Kiruna Declaration
. Kiruna, Sweden. Retrieved from,
Arctic Council. (2013, May).
Kiruna Senior Arctic Officials Report to Ministers
. (Report). Retrieved from, archive/category/425-main-
Arctic Council. (2009, April).
Tromsø Declaration
. Tromsø, Norway. Retrieved from,
Arctic Governance Project, (2010).
Arctic governance in an era of transformative change: critical
questions, governance principles, ways forward
. Retrieved from,
Keohane, R. O. (1989). Neoliberal Institutionalism. A Perspective on World Politics. In
R. Keohane (Ed.).
International Institutions and State Power: Essays in International Relations
(pp. 1-20). Boulder, Col.: Westview.
Koivurova, T, & Molenaar, E.J. (2010).
International Governance and Regulation of the
Marine Arctic
. Oslo: WWF Arctic Programme.
Oberthür , S. (2009). Interplay Management: Enhancing Environmental Policy Integration among
International Institutions. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and
Economics 9 (4): 371 – 391.