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Arctic Yearbook 2013
The Arctic Ocean Review
states keeping a balance between the need for strong conservation results and the sustainable
development agenda.
Implementation of the AOR Recommendations and Strategic Actions
The importance of outlining concrete strategic follow up actions on AOR policy recommendations
through implementation plans will empower Arctic states to transparently monitor progress as well
as collectively influence relevant global institutions. A number of AOR recommendations emphasize
that the Arctic Council should promote interactions with the appropriate international bodies.
Consequently, we offer some recommendations which may support the implementation of the AOR
recommendations whilst enhancing the opportunity for the establishment of an Arctic Voice:
Develop an AOR implementation plan and
ensure that a plan for further work under the
Arctic Council to support and implement its recommendations is developed, and that
progress reports are delivered regularly.
Launch systematic and efficient procedures and mechanisms for enhancing communication
between the Arctic Council and other international organizations and treaty secretariats in
order to monitor all activities of relevant bodies and arrange to intervene on behalf of Arctic
states where appropriate when negotiations pertains to the Arctic.
Establish spaces through the Council to negotiate common and agreed positions concerning
global negotiations pertaining to the Arctic. While this may not always be possible, good-
faith efforts should be undertaken to find even the barest minimum of shared positions to
strengthen those positions within negotiations.
Empower the new standing Arctic Council Secretariat with the mandate and resources to
monitor and plan coordination with other international organizations.
Consider requesting observer status at international institutions.
Strengthen the standing Arctic Council Secretariat through developing dedicated staff
capacity to provide coordination support to members and permanent participants to
negotiate common positions on specific issues.
Task the Arctic Council to create a coordinated voice by Arctic states, circumventing their
significant differences of interest concerning jurisdiction and regulatory ambition, in
international agreements (
Polar Code, Ballast Water Management Convention, MARPOL
) to update Arctic-specific shipping measures relevant to safety and environmental
Facilitate and coordinate efforts, including at the IMO, to advance conservation of marine
biodiversity through special management measures for a designated network of areas of
particular importance for biodiversity and ecosystem services building on the AMSA
recommendation II(C) and II(D) reports, and assisting Arctic states that are party to the