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Arctic Yearbook 2013
Hammond, A. (2008).
Greenland, biodiversity and climate change
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Hobson, G (1992). Traditional Knowledge Is Science.
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C169 - Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989 (No.
169). Convention concerning Indigenous and Tribal Peoples in Independent Countries (Entry into force: 05
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Inuit Circumpolar Conference. (1995).
Circumpolar Whaling and the ICC Whaling Agenda: A Choice for
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Observers at the 1995 General Assembly of the Inuit Circumpolar Conference
Inuit Circumpolar Conference. (1996).
Agenda 21 from an Inuit Perspective
. Ottawa: Inuit Circumpolar
IUCN. (1985).
Tradition, Conservation & Development. Occasional newsletter of the Commission on Ecology‘s
Working Group on Traditional Ecological Knowledge. Issue No. 3. August 1985
: International Union
for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.
IUCN. (1986).
Tradition, Conservation & Development. Occasional newsletter of the Commission on Ecology‘s
Working Group on Traditional Ecological Knowledge. Issue No. 4. May 1986
: International Union
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IUCN, UNEP, & WWF. (1980).
World conservation strategy: Living resource conservation for sustainable
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Caring for the earth: A strategy for sustainable living
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Johannes, R.E. (1993). Integrating Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Management with
Environmental Impact Assessment. In Julian T. Inglis (Ed.).
Traditional ecological knowledge:
concepts and cases
(pp. 33-38). Ottawa, Ont., Canada: International Program on Traditional
Ecological Knowledge: International Development Research Centre.